Marieke Willemars, founder en creative director, heeft zich vanaf de eerste dag volledig toegewijd aan het laten groeien en koesteren van het succes van het merk. Vanuit de in-huis designstudio op het hoofdkantoor in Amsterdam werkt ze samen met haar team aan het creëren van collecties en houdt ze toezicht op elk aspect, van ontwerp en marketing tot productie en art directie.
“Bij Catwalk Junkie geven we elk ontwerp dezelfde liefde en aandacht. We selecteren zorgvuldig elke stof en perfectioneren elke pasvorm. Prints en artworks worden met de hand ontworpen en getekend. En bovenal geloven we in teamwork is the dreamwork.”
Can you tell us about how you started to design for Catwalk Junkie?
My love for prints and patterns started when I studied Graphic Design. After a while my interest for 3D started to grow. I became interested in the idea of bringing 2D designs to 3D creations and I decided to make the switch to Fashion. This gave me the opportunity to create designs for daily life. Something that brings joy and make people feel good about themselves.
I am so proud and I feel so lucky with the team that is working with me today! Also our suppliers and the people who are making our sketches and ideas come to live. It's one big Catwalk Junkie family.
How did you and the brand develop over time?
I like to play with volume and make clothes extra comfortable so you want to wear it every day for years to come. But also keep it feminine and strong. As I want to continue to learn and grow I added something new with every collection. Starting with woven skirts and dresses and denim. One by one so we had enough time to develop it into the perfect item.
What does a work day for you look like at Catwalk Junkie?
I love starting my day with coffee and meeting up with the people at the office. We have a beautiful and light in-house design studio that is currently getting a little touch-up for the new year. It's going to be so pretty! We also grew a lot in the last year so we needed to make more space for everyone.
My days at the office are usually filled with all kinds of meetings and working on our new collections. When I create new ideas, designs and graphics I usually work from home where I can work in all serenity.
What gives you joy?
I love to travel and to experience new landscapes and cultures, to meet the peoples behind it and hear their stories. It can be so inspiring. During the pandemic we started too cook more, so now our kitchen shelve is filled with cookbooks from all over the world. The last months we make a lot of Lebanese food, it’s so good!
How do you keep yourself motivated and creative?
Listening to my feelings, being myself and keeping a positive mindset.
Your perfect Sunday morning...
A coffee at home with my boyfriend Tommie and cat Pika. In the weekends I love to skate, especially in Spring and Summer. Or take a walk in the forest next to where we live.